For quite a while now I've been wanting to try and have my own blog. It's been a long time coming but discovering the Google Adsense Program and my initial frustration of not being able to sustain a $1 earning each and every day led me to make this blog. Blogs were the in thing 5 years ago! And here I am late but motivated to be able to improve my adsense earnings. This blog is an attempt to document my Adsense Challenge!
You read so many things off the internet about adsense millionaires. Last week I just found out about this Filipino teenager allegedly earnings five figures per month in dollars. that's $xx,xxx anywhere from 10,000 US Dollars to 99,999 US Dollars! That's amazing! Although, I had my reservations of course. Anything that's too good to be true, probably is. And with the internet this has been really an issue! I've been reading the DigitalPoint forums, PinoyMoneyTalk forums and recently the Warriorforum Forums. Is there any truth to earning upwards of a thousand dollars a month?! How long will it take for someone who has just started Adsense this 2008? Is there any thing left out there that hasn't been written about?! Why would I care to try?
Perhaps it is because as a Pinoy i've always felt that the internet and its rewards belonged to the Western World. And sadly, throughout my Internet "life" I've noticed Filipinos unwilling to help their fellow countrymen. I hate it every time this realization has surfaced but I do think that there is a tremendous lack of Adsense Publishers from the Philippines to share their knowledge.
I am not going to play hero but I will try my best to document all issues I have in my Google Adsense journey to help my fellow Filipinos. I've already come across many issues already that are Pinoy-Centric with the Google Adsense Program. I hope all of you will join me in my journey from now till well... well into the future.
My Journey Officially Started at June 11, 2008
and Yes, It's been hard breaking $1 US Dollar per day!
How to Use the PSE Board Lot Table
5 months ago
So whats the news? how did it go?
That's interesting to know, I'm also on my way to $30 as of this writing.
Hi every one. . . I would like to share this info, GOOGLE ADSENSE APPROVE 2 MONTHS OLD BLOG WITH 1 CONTENT how come google adsense accept this blog? any one know how?
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